More than a high quality product.

Aerosols for the Medical Device, self care, OTC market

Pharmaspray develops and manufactures aerosols under EN ISO13485, for the Medical device and self care OTC market. To facilitate the innovation and development of new products, we creatively combine the Mobacc Group's years of knowledge and wealth of experience with the ideas, wishes and expertise of our clients.

We also bring suppliers and a range of knowledge institutions into our innovation and development processes. We achieve an optimum product by working as a team of equal partners. And we never forget the product's end user; high quality solutions with focus on health, safety, convience and easy to use.
Pharmaspray offers much more than a high quality product.

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Veiligheid & kwaliteit


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Innovatie & ontwikkeling


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Logistiek & distributie


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Thinking Aerosols. Creating possibilities.

Logistiek & Distributie

We verschepen over de hele wereld.

Bij het werken met voedingsmiddelen is een goede logistiek essentieel om de houdbaarheid en traceerbaarheid van orders te kunnen garanderen. Logistiek is meer dan een product van de ene naar de andere locatie transporteren. Het omvat de gehele leveringsketen.

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