
Product realization and production

Our production facility is equipped with state of the art machinery.

Facility control measures, ensure repeatable processes and a consistent product realization. Our production lines are equipped with the newest technology for aerosol filling, which ensures a stable and consistent production process. The layout of the factory has just one goal: To manufacture products in a stable and validated flow, so that the final products meet all the specifications which they have to comply to.

We are capable to mix and fill virtually every type of product, in liquids, pumps or pressurized aerosols. In case of aerosols, we can offer a wide range of propellants, all ozone friendly and available in various mixtures depending on product needs.

The manufacturing is performed against pre-established standards; processes and machineries are validated according to our validation master plan and product requirements. Safety plays an important role in our production and product development, not limited to the manufacturing of the product itself, this is also integrated in our quality management system. We have implemented the 5S program in our ware houses and production. This result in a well organized and structured product realization process.

Line clearance, is performed between every batch and product change

Every production step taken is registered in a Batch Manufacturing Record, which ensures full traceability for the used packaging materials, raw materials, QC checks and in process checks. Every production batch is reviewed before release to our costumers. Documentation and reference samples are kept as long as needed and related documentation are stored for a minimum of 5 years..

Facility management is part of our QMS. Maintenance of the facility and machinery is planned in an automated system, and cleaning is performed on a frequent base. A clean and well maintained production facility benefits the quality of the final product..

Technically there are no limits in the filling techniques; our machines are capable to fill Bag on valves, pump sprays and conventional aerosols, using various techniques and propellants. UTC (Under The Cup) filling can be performed, furthermore UTC-filling with compressed gases is possible..

Quality, repeatability, legal requirements, maintenance, training of our employees, and product realization are the major goals for our production facility to follow. To reach the expected quality, we are in compliance with various EN ISO standards such as EN ISO 13485, following GMP standards in product development and product realization.(Quality and Safety on our website.).

Full Service System.

Our goal is, to create a valid partnership with our costumers; in this partnership we can provide a full service system, in which we take care of your requirements for many aspects of creating a finished product.

Packing the product in Unit Cartons

Based on agreements we manage the filling, labeling and packaging in unit cartons, fitted with leaflet and/or additional components and we make sure that your product is ready for your sales department or distributors to sel. We take care in making your life easy, not only ensuring a smooth supply chain, but also support in performing audits at suppliers. Support in legal requirements such as CE registrations, advice in labeling requirements and advice in secondary packaging. The Full Service System is not limited to quality related aspects, we also provide in secondary packaging with help of pre selected suppliers. We support in transportation and logistics around the world.

Our suppliers are well known, and are pre selected by auditing processes, which ensure a flawless supply chain. We see our suppliers as partners in creating high quality products.

Safety in production

Our factory is SEVESO compliant and complies to the highest demands in relation to European guidelines and legal requirements for filling OTC products and aerosols in general.

The production facility is fitted with various safety systems that ensure, not only a safe environment for our employees, but also continuances is provided for. Backup is guaranteed since we ask the same demands and compliance of the other companies in our group.

The production area is equipped with an HVAC air management system that maintains a clean environment for the filling and packaging of our aerosols. Production takes place in clean areas. Separate filling lines are part of our system to prevent mix-up and/or contamination of the various product groups. Dedication is key.

In product realization a strict inspection plan is followed, QA and QC play an important role in production release. Well trained, educated and experience employees are vital to keep up with the demands. Special quality needs are translated in a QA agreement, responsibilities and roles are clearly defined upfront so that our customers can depend on us for following their whishes, we take care of our business!

All this to ensure: High quality products, safe in use and functionality, suitable for its purpose and intended use, in respect to the needs of our costumers and end users.

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